Call Ian Brendel at 251-350-1702 to discuss your Tennessee accident/injury claim
Do I have time deadlines to file suit if I was injured in a car/truck wreck in Tennessee?
YES! Tennessee law imposes time periods to bring negligence lawsuits for car and truck wrecks. Under Tennessee law, a competent person filing a lawsuit for negligence causing injuries in a car/truck wreck has a 1 year statute of limitations from the date of the act/omission. Failure to file a lawsuit within the prescribed time limitation legally acts to time bars the injured person from filing a claim. This means if a lawsuit is filed outside the time limitation period, the Court will dismiss the lawsuit after a proper motion is made and heard by the Court.
Are there different time deadlines if a minor/child was injured in a car/truck wreck in Tennessee?
YES! The exception to the 1 year time limitation period for minors allows the statute of limitations to be tolled (or extended) until the minor becomes an adult at 18 years old, and reaches the age of majority in Tennessee. Thus, if the injury occurs to the minor in Tennessee, the 1 year time limitation begins to start at his/her 18th birthday. Note that this is for negligence claims only. Different time periods may apply to different claims, thus you should contact a lawyer to discuss what time period applies to your case.

Disclaimer: Please note that the above information is not a comprehensive summary of the laws relating to injury claims in Georgia against government and non-government entities, and may change from time to time due to new laws and/or rules being implemented by the Georgia legislature and the Courts, thus you should contact a lawyer to explain the nuances of Georgia laws that may apply to your case. This is not legal advice, and is merely provided for information purposes only. You should consult a lawyer to discuss your claim independently, and you should not rely exclusively on any information provided here.
GIVE IAN A CALL! 251-350-1702
to Discuss Your Tennessee Accident/Injury Claim